Scrabble tiles writing out the word "Truth" with some plants in the background.
  • Is Albany Considered Upstate New York?

    Is Albany Considered Upstate New York?

    Growing up in Michigan, when we travel to the northern part of our state, we say that we’re “going up north.” While I have been to the northern part of New York to see Niagara Falls, I did not learn of the term “going upstate” through the many times we vacationed there; instead, I learned…

  • Are Private Schools Prevalent in Michigan?

    Are Private Schools Prevalent in Michigan?

    For some parents like me, the moment our children start developing their own personality and talking, we begin to think about what type of schooling will best suit their needs and learning style. Let’s take that a step further and talk about how parents like me also start to determine that our children are geniuses…

  • Can a Knee Injury be Repaired with Epsom Salt Baths?

    Can a Knee Injury be Repaired with Epsom Salt Baths?

    As a single mother of two sons, I do not have the means to afford quality insurance that covers essential healthcare that I need right now. While I have had many rounds of physical therapy, I have yet to be able to do the necessary rehab on my knees, which leaves me in great pain.…