Author: Rosh

  • What Is the Record for Forest Fires in Canada?

    What Is the Record for Forest Fires in Canada?

    Canada is no stranger to forest fires. In fact, according to the National Forestry Database, more than 8,000 wildfires blaze in the country annually, resulting in about 5 million acres (more than 2.1 million hectares) of burned area. To put that into perspective, reports state that one-third of Canada’s forests, which accounts for around 10%…

  • What to Do if My Loved One is Suicidal?

    What to Do if My Loved One is Suicidal?

    Ever since the global pandemic with the covid 19 virus, we, as a global society, have become very well aware of the importance of mental health checkups and suicide prevention. Especially among teens who were isolated during the pandemic, a mental health care plan is imperative for not only their developmental growth but for their…

  • Does Nashville Get Snow?

    Does Nashville Get Snow?

    What typically comes to mind when you think of the city of Nashville, Tennessee? Music, right? We might have guessed your answer correctly, given that Nashville is rightfully known as the “Music City” and the “Songwriting Capital of the World.”  Thanks to its rich musical heritage, it is regarded as the birthplace of country music,…

  • Test Post

    Test Post

    Cillum adipiscing nulla minim irure ullamco. Nulla minim irure ullamco sunt aute. Irure ullamco sunt aute. Sunt aute eiusmod tempor ut non cupidatat. Eiusmod tempor ut non cupidatat laborum velit incididunt. Ut non cupidatat laborum.

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